Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Technology Collaboration Programme by:

Task 50

Light Electric Vehicles

Objective of Task

Task 50 aims to support the diffusion of Light Electric Vehicles (LEVs) in order to exploit their potential for more sustainable mobility. This requires a higher acceptance of LEVs, which could be supported by improved technologies and framework conditions for use and purchase or rent. Task 50 intends to contribute to this by collecting and sharing information, exchange about framing conditions, best practices and ideas, considering LEVs in the context of urbanisation, ageing societies and energy transition.

Vehicles considered in the task are three- and four wheeled LEVs which are either classified as L-category vehicles, Kei cars or Microcars. Light EVs (M1) approximating the properties of class L7e might also be considered.


The catastrophic consequences of global warming are becoming increasingly clear and require swift and bold action, with transport being a key area. One approach to reduce transport emissions is the use of light electric vehicles instead of heavy and energy-intensive passenger cars. LEVs are suitable for replacing a significant proportion of car trips (see LEV4Climate study), but factors such as the current market situation, subsidy policies, cost structures and framework conditions for the use of LEVs are largely not conducive to further LEV diffusion. Therefore, light vehicles still are a niche topic.

A preceding Task 32, addressed this issue and succeeded in improving awareness of LEVs, e.g. by publishing an open access book on LEVs. However, we are still a long way from realizing their substantial potential in terms of saving energy and greenhouse gas emissions as well as reducing material and land use. The pressure to make our mobility more sustainable is high and changes are urgent. Multiple crises require us to economize energy in order to reduce emissions, save costs and manage with the energy that is available. This could change the general conditions for LEVs. Against this background, Task 50 extends the work from Task 32 in the context of global developments.

Working Method

The main approach of Task 50 is to collect and exchange information, opinions and fields of research or action and to disseminate the results amongst stakeholders and policymakers. This shall be accomplished for the following thematic areas:

  • Social / behavioural characteristics and international perspectives – chances and obstacles for a wider application of LEVs, considering region-specific aspects
  • Vehicle concepts, technologies, and costs – state of the art, current market developments and trends
  • Standards and regulations (homologation, usage) – overview and impact of current regulations and discussion of desirable adjustments
  • Life cycle analysis (LCA) – production- and usage-based emissions from LEVs


During the IEA HEV TCP ExCo meeting in Dundee on 27-28 October 2022, a new task has been approved on the topic of “Light Electric Vehicles.” The new task will run for 3 years and will start in 2023. Participation is of interest for universities, research organizations, and public authorities as well as manufacturers and companies active in this field. Task 50 “Light Electric Vehicles” was initiated by Germany and during the ExCo meeting following countries already expressed their interest to join: France and Republic of Korea. Other countries interested to join can take contact with Task 50 Task Manager.